Sea World
Olivia had a great time, even though she wasn't quite big enough to do a whole bunch.
Mom, Madi & MaKynli
Madi P.
Livi knocked out.
This is the chair they use for "The Great White" coaster, since she's not big enough to ride I had her sit in it to take a picture. Also, I told her to scream and make it look like she was riding, a man saw her and came running up to rescue her, til he saw that we were taking a pic, then he started to laugh. True Story!! She is quite the actress.

Livi girl (she loved the shows)

Livi was talking to the dolphins in the show
Dolphins jumping
Madi at the aquarium.
Dad, Mom, Madi & Livi (end of the 1st day at Sea World)
She loves her Shamu. 

Mom & Madi
Dad & Livi
Daddy & Livi at the Shamu show.